Getting in touch
Ways to get in touch
How do I contact you?
You can contact the savings team by logging in and sending a secure message, or getting in touch by phone on 0345 266 6611.
Our team are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm, excluding public holidays.
What is your postal address?
You can write to us at The Savings Team, Shawbrook Bank, Sunderland SR43 4AG.
It's quicker and easier to get in touch by logging in and sending us a secure message. Find out how to send a secure message how to send a secure message.
Can a third party speak to you on my behalf?
Yes they can, but we need to make sure we keep your account secure.
If you want to do this on a regular basis, get in touch and ask for an 'adding a third party' form.
You can contact the savings team by logging in and sending a secure message, or getting in touch by phone on 0345 266 6611.
Our team are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm, excluding public holidays.
Once this has been completed and processed, we'll be able to speak to them on your behalf.
They'll be able to ask us about the account, but they won't be able to instruct us to take any actions on the account.
Alternatively, once we have confirmed security with you, you can pass us on to the third-party.
If a third party contacts us and we do not have the completed form and you are not there to confirm security, we won't be able to speak to them.
Secure Messages
What is a secure message?
A secure message is a way of safely communicating with us from your online account. They're a great way to ask questions or get account support without the need to call us.
We're in the process of upgrading the online experience for all of our customers. We'll contact you before this happens. To send us a message, just log in to your account and go to Messages and help (if your account has been upgraded) or Messages (if your account has not yet been upgraded).
When you receive a secure message from us, we'll alert you by email. You just need to log in to read it.
How do I create a secure message?
To send us a message, just log in to your online account.
We're in the process of upgrading the online experience for all of our customers. We'll contact you before this happens.
- If your online account has not been upgraded yet, log in and select Messages then Create message
- If your online account has been upgraded, log in and select Messages and help
When we send you a response, we'll notify you by email.
How do I know you have responded to my secure message?
When we respond to a secure message you will receive an email to your registered email address asking you to log in to read it.
We work through these in date order, and will respond as quickly as we can.
Making a complaint
How do I make a complaint?
You can make a complaint by contacting us.
You can contact the savings team by logging in and sending a secure message, or getting in touch by phone on 0345 266 6611.
Our team are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm, excluding public holidays.
You can also make a complaint by using our online complaints process. You can find out more about making a complaint on our dedicated complaints page.

View all savings help
If you have a question about our savings products you’ll probably find the answer here.

Opening an account
Helpful information if you’re applying for a savings account with Shawbrook.

Documents & information
You’ll find forms, standard terms and other information here for our personal savings products.
About our savings products
Find a contact number, explore our products or get help and inspiration with our savings insights hub.

Contact us about savings
If you need to get in touch with our team, you can find details here.

Our savings proposition
You’ll find out more about our products and proposition on our savings home page.

Savings insights hub
Whether you’re looking to brush up on your knowledge of the savings basics or understand what to consider when choosing a savings account, our insights hub has a range of useful information to help you to make the most of your money.