Autumn Budget 2024: Key updates for landlords
Find out what the Autumn Budget 2024 means for professional landlords, including updates on stamp duty and capital gains tax.
What could the new Government mean for portfolio landlords?
An insight into what the new government could mean for landlords, including housebuilding, economic factors, capital gains tax, EPCs and rental reforms.
Property developers ready to unleash capital
Property developers have been withholding capital to remain flexible in the face of economic uncertainty, but since the new government the outlook looks positive and developers should have more opportunities to unleash their capital.
New council targets are the key to improving planning issues
Three-quarters of property developers believe the government setting targets for councils would unlock planning issues
The development finance challenge facing property developers
Four-in-five property developers find sourcing development finance the most difficult aspect of their business. Find out more about the funding challenges faced by property developers and how a specialist lender can help.
The challenges property developers are facing and how they are overcoming them
Research from Shawbrook identifies the major challenges faced by property developers, and reveals 99% of developers have made changes to their business strategy in the past year to overcome these.
Property developers call on the next government to support first time buyers
In our latest research, property developers have called for more support for first time buyers.
Landlords place their bets on urban flats amidst the return to office working
Our latest research shows UK landlords are doubling down on urban flats as prospective buyers revert to city living
Brits don't want to live in the past
As UK buyers prioritise sustainability and efficiency over style, more and more are looking away from period properties when compared to ten years ago.
UK landlords optimistic amid rental market concerns
Our survey of UK residential landlords shows a positive outlook of the current rental market. Read our full survey results and explore our in-depth analysis.
What’s in store for the property market in 2024?
2024 promises an exhilarating journey for property investing. Dive into insights on trends, challenges, and the resilience of professional landlords.
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