If you wish to repay the outstanding balance of your Point of Sale loan early, you should contact us. We will then provide you with a settlement figure and details of how to settle the account.

This is calculated this in accordance with the Consumer Credit (Early Settlement) Regulations 2004. While the calculations are complex, the settlement figure you will have to pay will include no more than 58 days’ worth of interest calculated on the balance outstanding at the time when we provide you with the settlement figure. The settlement figure provided will be valid for 30 days.


Loans taken after 13th December 2021

If you took your loan with us on or after 13th December 2021, please call us on 0333 003 0260

You can also log in to your customer portal to contact us.

Please note, if you are contacting us about additional borrowing on your existing loan, we do not offer this. However, you may be eligible to apply for another loan with us. We are unable to carry out phone applications but you can apply via our website.

Our team is available:

Monday - Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-6pm

We're closed at weekends and public holidays. 


Loans taken before 13th December 2021

If you took your loan with us before 13th December 2021, please call us on 0345 650 6290.

Please note, if you are contacting us about additional borrowing on your existing loan, we do not offer this. However, you may be eligible to apply for another loan with us. We are unable to carry out phone applications but you can apply via our website.

Our team is available:

Monday - Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-2pm. 

We're closed on Sundays and public holidays.

If you’re managing the estate of someone who had a relationship with us, we’re here to help.

We work with the Death Notification Service (DNS) to make the process as simple as we can.

Once you’ve used the service to let us know someone has passed, we’ll be in touch to let you know what the next steps are. If they had more than one account with us, there’s no need to tell us separately. We’ll check all Shawbrook accounts and let you know about them together.

You can find out more about how to use the service on our dedicated bereavement page.

About our personal loans products

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Happy Father Playing With His Daughter Outdoors

Contact us about a personal loan

If you need to get in touch with us about a personal loan, you’ll find the right person here

Father Standing And Holding A Toddler Son

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Happy Woman Listening With Headphones And Phone

Personal loans insights hub

You’ll find a number of useful guides to support you. From helping to debunk financial jargon to planning and budgeting to turn your dreams into a reality.

Documents & information

You’ll find forms and other information here for our personal loans products.